do you think pale people [or fair skinned] are ugly?
2009-04-26 15:51:59 UTC
pretty much everyday i get, "you're too pale, go to the tanning bed!"
i mean, does this mean i'm ugly?
or do people just hate fair skin?
so i was pale, until today and yesterday.. now i'm just burnt.
so was i wrong for trying to tan?
i just got fed up with all the people calling me pale. :/
61 answers:
2009-04-26 15:55:49 UTC
Untanned skin is healthier and you'll look younger longer.
2009-04-26 16:29:38 UTC
Why on Earth did you try to tan?

Pale skin has been revered as a sign of beauty and elegance for hundreds of years in Europe and Asia. Pale skin is delicate and stunning. I go to massive efforts to keep my skin the colour it is. I avoid the sun like a plague and I wear SPF 80 + sunscreen on sunny days. Pale skin is a challenge and it takes looking after.

I'm assuming you're quite young and therefore peer pressure is still a major deciding factor in your life, but you should learn that the opinions of others should never come before what you yourself think. Do you like your pale skin? How does it make you feel? The next time anybody says you're too pale, take it as a compliment that your skintone is unique and stands out.

And, did you know that people who spend time tanning are ageing their skin horribly? Tanning is very bad for you. It destroys your skin and ages it prematurely. It increases the risk of cancer massively. And often people spend too much time in the sun and end up with an ugly blotchy burn or an unnatural looking brown colour that doesn't suit their appearance.

You are not ugly if you are pale. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Embrace and enjoy it, knowing many people go to a lot of effort to stay pale. And just imagine the people criticizing you in ten years time with leather handbags for faces after their skin is ruined. Would you rather be yourself, or what everyone else wants you to be?
loves christmas lights
2009-04-26 15:59:41 UTC
NO, it does not. I am white, I dont go in the sun much, but I do notice the times I do get some color, I feel like and get complimented from friends etc that I look healthier. Make up does the same thing, pale white make up makes someone look ill, anemic.

So sun if you like, or simply a tiny bit of blush or foundation whatever is your norm will make you look less pale as to look less anemic, * Im not saying you are, its just how people look who are white as a ghost.

Now, too, realise we are suppose to get some sun each day, the sun provides vit a I think it is, natuarally occuring, so direct sun with no sunscreen is necessary and should be done each day, it doesnt have to be at noon, just when the sun is out. Take a walk whatever.

Burnt is bad, I just burn now too if I stay too long.

Keep putting water and then lotion on that burnt skin and leave it alone so it will peel all by itself do not pull any skin, this is how you can get scars and facial discoloration even more ok. 15 min a day is good.

I am so pale, I wish I was born with more coloring from my dad than my mom, moms pale too, dad just had a natural shade darker, so much healthier looking!!
2009-04-26 16:04:26 UTC
Ok, look your not ugly for one and two don't change yourself for others. People should like you for who you are. You weren't wrong to try and tan but it does cause skin cancer. So be careful, and some colors and clothing pieces look better on pale people than on tan or darker toned people. Many high paid models are very pale. No not everyone hates fair skinned people, but don't worry about the people that do. Live your life and take the good leave the bad. Ignore the idiots that name call and crap, they do it cause it bugs you.
2009-04-26 16:00:04 UTC
Well...Im really pale too...and I think it can be pretty. If you wear your hair nicely, and you wear the right clothes that match your skin tone, like dark blue, pink, grey, light green..those are some that match light skin, then it really does look pretty. I know because whenever i try to tan, i just get freckles. :) But don't do tanning wont be good for your skin in the long run. Believe me, being really white, youre skin will be less wrinkly when you get old, and it will always be smoother than the dark tan people.

When your friends say that, just shrug and say, I like being pale! creamy skin is really pretty!

Also, if you don't wear a lot of eyeliner, just ENOUGH, it looks better.
2009-04-26 16:05:02 UTC
People say that to me, too!

They're like "hi, you look really white" (as in I'm pale, I'm Chinese)

I don't think they mean that I'm ugly... Hope not. I like the pale look. I would like to be tan, but when I tan it's like an ugly yellow on me I think. Not a pretty gold. Plus tanning hurts and you'll get early wrinkles! I'll probably buy some jergens during the summer.
Shannon W
2009-04-26 16:01:55 UTC
It means people are stupid, especially if they suggest tanning beds to someone too pale to tan naturally. I had girls in high school who said stuff like "If you can't get a tan from the sun, why don't you just, like, go to a tanning salon?" Why not? Because skin that doesn't tan from the sun doesn't do anything but burn in a tanning bed too.

I don't know about you, but these comments mostly came from girls(yes, came from. Adult women don't care as much); maybe they're jealous that statistically speaking you'll get wrinkles later than them, who knows? A lot of guys like pale skin, calling it "milky" rather than "ghastly pale" so that's a plus too.
2009-04-26 15:57:14 UTC
There is a certain pale that looks good, like if you're naturally super pale then I think it looks fine. But some people have that weird pasty-looking pale that just looks kinda... icky. And if you're super-white naturally, most of the time you'll just burn. If you're fed up with the people saying that stuff to you, instead of tanning and burning yourself, you could use bronzer or do a fake tan.

2009-04-26 15:57:10 UTC
See, there are different views on attraction when it comes to skin tone, especially different cultural views.

Pale skin is conceived as pure, perfectly clean beauty in Korea and other Asian cultures, where tan skin is referred to as lowly farmer's skin who worked in the sun all day. In the west, pale skin is seen as sickly pale, like the person hasn't stepped outside for months, and therefore is not attractive.

Tan skin, in western culture, means the opposite of pale. Tanned skin means the person has an active life where they are in the sun a lot (such as the beach) and therefore must be a lively person. Dark and tan skin (such as black, Indian, or middle eastern) is seen as exotic; something mysterious and beautiful.

With that said, if you are asking this for American men, most will prefer tan, dark, and then pale.
2009-04-26 15:56:18 UTC
Pale isn't a bad thing. I had a boyfriend once who told me he wished I was pale. But I'm naturally tan so oh well. If you want to tan I'd say go for it, and don't worry about your burns they'll go away. If they hurt put some aloe on them. But don't tan just because everyone thinks you should be tan. Love your skin! :D
John Z
2009-04-26 15:57:08 UTC
Tanning is overrated. I think people will soon be saying "ugh you're so tan!"...but that likely won't happen with how girls like guys being all bronzed up.

Your natural demeanor based on how you live your life is always the best to keep, even if it's dead pale or completely burnt red. Stay true to who you are, don't invite in the wrong people for you.
2009-04-26 15:59:36 UTC
i mean, personally im pale and i have always had the impression from other people that pale = ugly which caused me to suffer a bit with self esteem. Pale people cant really help being pale and i think its wrong to make others feel terrible because of their skin tone and complexion. Pale can be beautiful too :)

so those whi make us pale ppl feel like **** can suck it
Lexxie A
2009-04-26 16:06:10 UTC
I am pale like a piece of paper. Seriously. I love it, when I go outside in the sunlight my skin GLOWS.

People don't hate fair skin. I was stopped three times today in the...oh, 45 minutes I was out, to specifically be told my skin was beautiful.I get it daily. Men love white skin because it looks more naked.

I would avoid tanning if I were you. Too many white chicks today try to be's just gross.
2009-04-26 15:59:50 UTC
I think have fair skin is the same as having tan skin. If u have a great body, there makes no difference. If u do like being tan, go to Walmart. They have "lotions" than tan ur skin...

And Don't Listen to What People Say....;D
2009-04-26 15:55:58 UTC
Okay, in my opinion, pale skin is a beauty.

You really shouldn't worry about people telling you to get a tan! I mean, who are they to tell you that? If they dont like it, too freaking bad for them. Keep your pale skin, it's a beautiful feature. I get the same comments. Dont listen to them. Their probably jealous of your pale skin.
2009-04-26 15:55:42 UTC
no did u know that people are actually starting to bleach there skin to look pailer now weird :p but anway's no your not ugly for being pale and tanning is bad for ur skin! Would you rather be pale or have wrinkles at the age of 30?
2009-04-26 16:01:57 UTC
im very pale, because i dont go outside much because of my eyes and it makes it hard to see (i have light eyes) well enuff about my problem.

nothing is wrong with pale people or fair skinned people.

fake tans look horrible.

real tans look ok.

if you go in a tanning bed you will get skin cancer.

because the lights are so strong it goes to your bones.
2009-04-26 16:12:33 UTC
I have pale skin and dark hair so my pale skin is very answer your question you have to look at the america and europe skin that is darker than the norm is seen as exotic and more attractive than pale skin....In the eastern world in china, india and Philippines they go gaga for paler skin, they try to bleach their skin, al the major cosmetic companies like loreal and garnier that have endless tanning products on the market in america and europe have skin lightening products on sale in the east, fair and lovely being a very popular brand out there, you can see the advertisements on youtube for fair and lovely, its funny, it basically sends out the message to eastern ladies that to get a husband they have to be paler....exactly the opposite of what we do fake tan ourselves! lol.
2009-04-26 15:56:56 UTC
LMAO!! i am SO pale, so u tell me, here is my pic, do u think i am ugly?

i have never used fake tan and will never go on the sun bed, pale is beautiful (just not ill lookin) lol! just use like a tinted moisuriser. people always tell me im really pale but ha who cares, originality! x

2009-04-26 15:56:59 UTC
spf 30+ when you tan then slowly go down. The fairer the skin the longer it will take to were you won't burn first. Just tan at a beach or in your yard since it's summer. Tanning beds are nasty
2009-04-26 15:55:31 UTC
hellllll nooo. just because you are pale does not mean your pretty! a lot of people tell me that i am pretty, but they also tell me that i am very pale, and i too also tried to tan and only got burnt, and no regret it haha. but you are not wrong for trying to get tan, and dont be offended by being called pale, because no matter how white you are, you are still pretty :]
2009-04-26 15:57:24 UTC
No that doesn't mean you are ugly. People hate because they can't be you. Be yourself. If the picture on your myspace was you before tanning, you looked great. If not, you still would have looked great.
Allie B
2009-04-26 15:57:52 UTC
Pale people are not ugly, as a matter fo fact, I think they are better looking than those that fake and bake. Also they are less likely to get skin cancer from fake and baking. Please do not go to a tanning bed.
Patty B
2009-04-26 15:56:56 UTC
No one is ugly, some people are just unusual looking, but pale skin is beautiful,
2009-04-26 15:57:37 UTC
Fair skinned people are really pretty! During the renissance time, mothers wouldn't let their children be outside without being completely covered up so they wouldn't tan!
2009-04-26 16:03:55 UTC
pleasee your not even pale if you think you are the look at my colour skin.

just be confident with your colour imm like paper white and i love it i tried fake tans but i went streaky and it wasnt worth it.

pale skin makes you stand oout in a crowd and unique its beutiful embrace it !!

good luck x

dont bother with the fake tan or tanning for real its unnatural, common and not as nice
2009-04-26 15:57:11 UTC
pale skinned girls are hot

My past 2 gf's were hot (pale, 1 red hair, 1 w/ some freckles on arms

That doesnt make you ugly. I've dated dark skinned italian too and I prefer pale girls....Very SEXY!!
2009-04-26 15:59:00 UTC
Absolutely not.

I am pale/fair skinned.

Although I hate it on myself...I think that being pale can be a part of a very chic modern look.
2009-04-26 15:57:20 UTC
That's just as bad as saying, "you're too black..." which is a horrible thing to say! Fare skin doesn't mean your ugly! Fare skin is a delicacy. And if you are fine with your fare skin then you don't have to tan.
2009-04-26 15:56:17 UTC
i think pale is the new tan, personally. tan is just way like overdone. everyone is. i wouldn't say tanning outside is the best way to go though, us white kids burn easyy. ha. but fair skin has like less pigment or something so we burn rather than tan. but personally I prefer pail. =]
Jul S
2009-04-26 15:56:45 UTC
No! Sometimes I'm jealous of pale peoples.
2009-04-26 15:56:33 UTC
well in japan pale women are considered beautiful and i don't think it matters how pale someone's skin is. if your want darker skin it should be your choice you make on your own not from what people tell you. :D
2009-04-26 15:59:14 UTC
I just looked at your myspace picture; don't worry about them honey, they're probably jellos, you are very cute. Don't tan, you'll end up just looking like the herd of sheeple who want you to conform; they are the plain looking, don't strive for mediocrity.
2009-04-26 15:55:47 UTC
I think fair skinned girls are hotter, they hold a more natural look to them then some tan beach girl.
2009-04-26 15:54:24 UTC
no, it look good on some people but on other, such as myself, it looks bad. so that's why i go tanning. but if people tell you that almost everyday then maybe pale skin doesn't look good on you and you should get a tan.
2009-04-26 15:57:48 UTC
dont go to tanning beds - they will age your skin and raise the risk of skin cancer.

it is better to be naturally pale and healthy (like my mum, me and my daughter) and look young for your years than to be brown crinkly and have skin like parchment later in life.
2009-04-26 15:55:04 UTC
I can only wish for fair skin. Curse my natural tan. :|

It's definitely not ugly, I'm a huge fan! Embrace it.
Annie Rod
2009-04-26 15:56:52 UTC
Skin color has nothing to do with facial features. People that are all wrapped up in skin color need to figure out something better to do than to judge based on skin color. The color of your skin doesn't make you prettier or uglier than anyone else.
mila rib
2009-04-26 15:57:02 UTC
no, do you remember in the olden days, to be fair was to be beautiful. there are many beautiful pale ppl, gwen stefani is pale and shes gorgeous. take ur look and evolve it, it will be good.
2009-04-26 15:56:20 UTC
i think pale is the new tan.

pale people can be beautiful

they're stupid. I'm pale, though no one says anything about it.
2009-04-26 15:56:21 UTC
Pale people are amazing.
Max Solis
2009-04-26 15:57:12 UTC
No, Just because they say you are pale, doesn't mean you are ugly.

Besides you shouldn't concern about they say. Lift your chin up high and ignore that.
2009-04-26 16:01:00 UTC
no not at all, people in america are just obsessed with getting tan and follow the crowd.
2009-04-26 15:57:04 UTC
Try a lotion bronzer. I heard that the Jergen's type worked really well, and you can get it at Walmart or a local drugstore.
2009-04-26 15:56:19 UTC
no it doesnt mean your ugly

they probably only say it cause their jealous that they cant rock pale skin as good as you can [:
2009-04-26 15:55:23 UTC
your pretty and i dont think being pale makes you ugly
2009-04-26 15:55:10 UTC
bein pale dont mean your ugly but darker skin is much more attractive!
2009-04-26 15:55:12 UTC
some guys like like skin some like darker skin.

im italian and i like darker skinned brunettes, but not too dark
2009-04-26 15:54:46 UTC
im super pale in winter, and it looks good with rosy cheeks and red lips...
2009-04-26 15:54:22 UTC
fair-skinned is good but very pale is weird
2009-04-26 15:56:36 UTC
porcelain skin is pretty. screw tanning. just rock what you've got.
2009-04-26 15:55:12 UTC
I like lighter skinned girls .. tanned it gross and fake.
2009-04-26 15:56:14 UTC
yeah they are hideous. LOL. j/k. why do you care what people say? I mean really. Does it matter what they think? not unless you let it.
2009-04-26 15:55:05 UTC
i like pale girls haha
2009-04-26 15:56:06 UTC
in the winter im very white, but i like it, im unique and i dont look orange when it snowing
2009-04-26 15:58:39 UTC
who care wut those stupid ppl say i think palke is pretty and im crazy pale so im thinking the same thing ur and recieving the same comments as u r and it sucks
easter bunny!
2009-04-26 15:56:22 UTC

everyone's unique skin color is beautiful. black, white, or in between.

your natural skin color is the best color for you.
2009-04-26 15:54:46 UTC
Just use bronzer.
2009-04-26 15:55:51 UTC
depends on if you can pull it off. its all about confidence in yourself!
2009-04-26 15:54:57 UTC
why listen to them.
2009-04-26 15:54:54 UTC
hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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