Are there any countries where women haven't spoiled yet?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Are there any countries where women haven't spoiled yet?
143 answers:
2017-01-13 08:32:08 UTC
I don't think that all women are selfish and narcissistic. Labeling ALL woman in that manner, is a very condensed way of looking at the world. Sure, don't get me wrong...there are definitely some selfish and narcissistic women out there. But the same thing goes for guys too. No gender is entirely innocent or well balanced. Both males and females have their character flaws.
Linda G
2017-01-13 14:12:51 UTC
If you really were an alpha, you'd have the sort of women you describe falling all over themselves to date you (except for the obedient part; if I were you, I'd select a different word to mean someone who doesn't undermine you). They're out there, but you're NOT an alpha, you're a beta. An alpha would not be on here complaining about the lack of good women; he'd already have one that he'd selected out of many. My partner is one of those. He's never had to look for one; they come to him. He also doesn't complain about the lack of decent women because he already has the best there is: me.

Alphas don't stay long on the shelf, both male and female. I was married to a beta and he had a great thing with this alpha female and he screwed it all up. He ended up penniless, in debt, alone, and completely clueless why he couldn't find another meal ticket. Does that sound familiar, maybe when you look in the mirror? You sir, are a beta!
2017-01-13 03:31:49 UTC
I love how you call all Western women narcissistic, arrogant and selfish and yet you seem to think that its your right for a woman to have no life of her own and wait on you hand and foot. Its fine to want a partnership that involves providing for your spouse and have her be a housewife as long as that's what she wants as well. I personally would love to simply be a housewife and spend my time taking care of my children. However using the word "obedient" in what you're looking for is disgusting and archaic. Respect is earned and not freely given simply because you're an "Alpha" male.
2017-01-12 19:34:15 UTC
How are your moral codes? Are they up to par? People, so often when they speak of obedience those moral codes go flying out the window.

Subservience is no more than slavish obedience. Meaning; if she's in the shower and you want her to do something for you she better hop out of that shower and ... Do you agree a woman can be obedient without being subservient. Do you agree if you want her obedient you don't constantly have to be telling her what to do that you merely, and you don't control her cronies, tell her not to talk with Madge and she has nothing to do with Madge; do you believe this is what obedience is? Do you believe because of moral codes if you tell her to have sex with another she has the full right to refuse because of said codes? believe a woman should think before she obeys or should she be stupid and obey like a dolt and suppose that causes trouble?

I am through.
2017-01-13 23:38:43 UTC
Okay what the heck is wrong with you? The reason women hate you is because you talk about them like that. The "alpha male" thing is not really a big deal for women anymore. We could care less if you want to be in charge because we want to be in charge (or at least some of us). I don't think it's women ruining the country, I think it is jerks like you who treat women like they are things you can just throw away. Let's see how you would feel if we did that to you?
2017-01-14 20:28:17 UTC
Not having been to every country in the world, I can't truly answer that question. I will say that of the women I know, I wouldn't consider them spoiled. If anything, I think societies long held view of women as the "weaker" sex may have in some ways worked in their favor for a time. But in the long run it has made it harder for them to break out of that mold of the doting housewife. And that's not a knock on stay at home moms, that's a tough full time job. I know of what I speak, I'm a single dad with twin daughters...
2017-01-14 10:43:51 UTC
I'm a 60 yr old lady. I agree with these men's statements. Most women of today just lack self respect and morals. A lot of it is from tv and "stars" who dress terribly with all their parts showing. It's sad, it really is to see young beautiful women parading their goods out in the open. But, it's also sad because when men use women over and over of course they get "worn out". All any woman wants is love and to be loved. I don't care how much a tramp she might be, she didn't start out that way. Some don't get love at home so they seek it elsewhere. Very sad all around for all.
2017-01-13 13:44:14 UTC
Your looking at the wrong places for your women. I can almost guarantee you that picking them up then ******* them than dumping them does make some women see you as a casual sex partner, then treat you trashy like that. Real good women exist in the western world I promise:) instead of one night stands, go to the library, the park, some kind of mission project and I guarantee you will find a good hearted woman that will make you happy in life. Good women do not perform one night stands with strangers, that's why you aren't finding any
2017-01-13 02:07:42 UTC
If obedience is what you're after, it sounds like you'd be more satisfied adopting a dog.
2017-01-12 16:18:34 UTC
My ex girlfriend was a hot Kenyan girl. Beautiful and very sweet, easy to get along with, cooked, cleaned, etc... and the sex was fantastic. But she moved back to Kenya after her grandmother got sick. I still miss her, it was a hard breakup.
2017-01-13 06:06:55 UTC
maybe your question can be answered this way something that I've noticed now for a couple or more years

are there any countries where drivers are polite and conciderate and still abiding by the majority of the rules of the road and not making up there own rules.

I would say there are many women like what your asking in America but what age group. See the younger the person the more into material things and themselves and there looks there going to be. Most everyone grows out of that me me me give me give me give me how do i look am i pretty how do i rate regarding my looks my body. Good Luck in your search but the younger the person is the harder its going to be to find

that's what i think but its not hopeless...maybe a little hard...but that's life darlin nothing is free not many things are given to you and then one day there they are just what you've been looking for yes sometimes it works just like that
2017-01-13 00:39:58 UTC
Yes. If you come to Asia. Find a small town girl. Less than high school education. Who wish's to be a house wife. Or as some say find a good mountain girl. But even they while good women do expect to be a partner in your life. You can not abuse them. If you do they are very good at kick boxing. But will make what America use to call the happy little house wife type. Once in the city's you want a lady with a education a job a future other than house wife. About the same as America there. Women spoil easy. So are you willing to support one as a house wife? Americans watch to much T.V. about those obedient little females for sure. But true they will still do your laundry in the river for you. Buy them a wash machine & they think you are a king.
2017-01-17 01:57:04 UTC
I also have run into this issue. As I am a christian boy who is facing myself till marriage, I must have a wife that was been shown to me by god!! God will not make me in love with these mannerless woman who only eat takeout and do not know hoe to clean a dish. All I can say is, convert to Homosexuality!!! That's what I did. At first in my life I loved the female, but as time went on I learned that I could be like a female and love men. Ever since then I have only let men into my life and have stayed away from those godless, mannerless, disobedient femen (plural of female). Listen, just hear me out!!!! It has been well established by the highest scientist in the land, Ben Carson, that homosexuality is a choice! In prison many men become gay, and therefore that conversion can happen outside as well. All you have to do is have sex with men, and you'll never have to worry about your problems again. Remember to be safe, and use protection!!! and do not catch the Homosapien disease (Tetris)!
2017-01-16 09:58:03 UTC
Yes, there are lots of countries where women haven't been ruined by modern culture. But they're all in Asia. I've been living in one of them for 7 years and it's been pure bliss.
2017-01-12 21:06:05 UTC
The spoiled women are the ones who need an 'alpha male' as their partner, because they need someone to set boundaries to what they can do and they need someone to tell them what they need to do.

If you think that you are an alpha male then prove it to a spoiled woman and if you actually are an alpha male then you won't have a problem with them.

You need to demand respect from these spoiled women, if you can't do that then you're not an alpha male.
2017-01-14 13:14:46 UTC
Women can't be housewives in the U.S. unless the man makes a good living. The cost of living is too high so both men and women have to work.

I understand you but sadly I noticed most men who talk like you are slobs who make a mess everywhere and expect the woman to clean after them. I would be a good housewife but I'm never cleaning after some pig who makes a mess everywhere on purpose.
2017-01-19 19:59:47 UTC
Are there any country's that men haven't spoiled yet?
2017-01-15 21:25:04 UTC
I'll say that women along with men have downgraded standards and maybe men have had them lowered longer? But it really depedns on the person. Not everyone is a fuckboy or play girl. Male or female sluts may just want to have fun but some are kind enough to not lead people on.Not everyone just wants sex. Some people actually have standards and love
2017-01-14 17:40:08 UTC
Yah, there's a 2 acre piece of land in NW Idaho with a solar powered Geometric dome house, 12 miles south of the Canadian border, you can get satellite internet with plenty of ****, because it will be just you and wild life. A convenience store 20 miles away, I'll sell you everything with title for $125,000, stable with 2 horses and guns included and fishing equipment. Since there will be no woman(en) I would suggest a Bernese mountain dog to cuddle up with at night.
2017-01-15 23:09:36 UTC
Is there any country that men haven't spoiled yet?
2017-01-14 18:32:13 UTC
YES! And United States of America is one of them. If you are American in America then you haven't searched the right places in a right way. Just because you don't find any in your locale does not mean there are none in USA. You getta get outa the "hood" and do travelin. One way is Motorcycle Primitive Camping. Met lottsa friendly people that way--cyclers, campers, towsnfolk with opportnities of employment had I wanted to stay but said "No-thank you! and continued my way--but then I wasn't lookin for a life-mate--just wanted to see America--every state, several years.
2017-01-12 16:32:35 UTC
Actually there are loadsa countries where the women took one look at western feminism and rejected it out of hand. Japan springs to mind . Other countries like Russia and Ukraine reject the 'dumbing down' of beauty that western feminism promulgates...those babes love to be hot !! As do women in South America etc.. Remember, there are whole swathes of the world where the Miss World contest is avidly consumes...Philippines for instance. Just remember, the west is year by year less and less of the world.
2017-01-14 00:51:51 UTC
Don't use women as a plural. Every woman is different...just like every man is different. There are multiple women in charge of charities and that sort of thing. There are good women and bad women. You mustve had had experiences with the wrong type. There are also a lot of bad men out there to...
2017-01-14 17:58:37 UTC
I find it hilarious that these types HATE feminism for the generalizations and sexism... and then they go join the male equivalent, MGTOW, MRA or are just a sexist ******* in general. The blatant hypocrisy is astounding. Look, if you want something to obey you, than get a dog.. Because women are not children, and they owe you nothing. Not their time, vagina, obedience lol! Women are amazing... I'm happy for North American women, that they won't have to cringe at your advances. Oh, and also thank you for helping to prove how relevant and necessary feminism is. (;
2017-01-13 16:51:34 UTC
First, "alpha male" isn't a accepted term used to describe human males. Don't believe me, look it up. Humans are far more cognitive than canines and therefore you're not top dog by having sex with a bunch of whores. Also, if you've been with "many women" why do you think you are deserving of a woman better than yourself? If you act like a man *****, what quality woman would really want you? That's a huge red flag to females. If you want a traditional female you should be more respectful and less aggressive. Referring back to your use of "alpha male", aggressive doesn't equal alpha male in the canine world. In fact, aggressive in the canine world equals beta male. Alphas are far more self-controlled and empathetic to the feelings and needs of their pack.
2017-01-15 15:58:44 UTC
In the United States of America! Women get spoiled because of men (Those who have everything and those who are scared forever) )! Where there is a man there is a spoiled women in most cases. But not all women are spoiled!
2017-01-14 18:09:58 UTC
There's the Middle East
Tie Dye Jedi
2017-01-13 23:07:10 UTC
Maybe you ought to look at the image of yourself you're projecting.

You don't seem to be willing to put much work into a relationship, so you aren't going to attract anyone who wants to be a good partner. They just see you as a fuckboy to use and ditch, haha. Not marriage material.

I think you're probably just bitter.
2017-01-13 10:04:28 UTC
2017-01-13 01:01:08 UTC
2017-01-16 14:35:11 UTC
the spoiled women are the ones who need an 'alpha male' as their partner, 'cause they need someone to set boundaries to what they can do and they need someone to tell them what they need to do...

if you think that you are an alpha male then prove it to a spoiled woman and if you actually are an alpha male then you will definitely not have a problem with them...

you need to demand respect from these spoiled women, if you for the life of me cannot do that then you're not an alpha male...
2017-01-12 19:29:29 UTC
i agree in that at least the US that women are as exactly as you described. there are always exceptions to the rule however. i would speculate that some of the few places in the world that have been tainted by feminism, (not women's right) would be mostly in east asia or the middle east. in most of those countries women still respect men. the sad thing is that in a lot of those countries the men do not respect the women. as for a perfect balance i would say there are some pockets in western and eastern europe that have it right.
2017-01-22 19:17:13 UTC
how are your moral codes? are they up to par? people, so often when they speak of obedience those moral codes go flying out the window...

subservience is no more than slavish obedience... meaning; if she's in the shower and you want her to do something for you she better hop out of that shower and ......... do you agree a woman can be obedient without being subservient... do you agree if you want her obedient you don't constantly have to be telling her what to do that you merely, and you don't control her cronies, tell her not to talk with madge and she has nothing to do with madge; do you believe this is what obedience is? do you believe 'cause of moral codes if you tell her to have sugar with another she has the full right to refuse 'cause of said codes? believe a woman should think before she obeys or should she be stupid and obey like a dolt and suppose that causes trouble?

i am through...
2017-01-12 19:35:37 UTC
If you're not rich and attractive yourself. then obviously you can't expect a woman who holds a traditional viewpoint to want to be with you.

Are you rich and attractive? Can you support her and at least 4 children in a luxurious manner?

Are you willing to pay for her hair, nail and shopping excursions so she can look hot for you- without a second thought?
2017-01-14 06:02:42 UTC
I doubt all of that which you said very much. I'd think in future you'd come to see and stop obsessing over them.

There is much to life, don't let something YOU crated be it's end.
2017-01-13 06:38:25 UTC
Most woman don't like a misogynistic attitude. I've found that gals from Scotland and Ireland are gems.
2017-01-19 11:16:07 UTC
Japan seems to fit the bill, buddy. You just need to learn the language and culture. As for cooking, she'll probably cook the best damn seafood you'll ever eat. But be weary, they are self -conscious about their cooking. Eat it all with a smile, even if you don't like it!
2017-01-12 22:38:37 UTC
Oh dear, poor little blue-faced coward, what intelligent woman wouldn't put up with your Neanderthal attitude. Didn't she respect and obey you despite not being deserving of respect. Those days are gone, sonny Jim...better get used to it..

Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2017-01-13 17:16:51 UTC
I've defowered a mass population of women
2017-01-14 18:41:15 UTC
You can't be dumb. You have to know who you can trust. There's obvious warning signs. Drinkers Partiers Liars known cheaters known girls that are in & out of relationships constantly. All obvious signs, Its not just girls though,

Majority of People in general have no morals these days.
Frank Barnwell
2017-01-13 16:25:01 UTC
Does your Mother know you feel this way? I have felt that way in my younger Daze, till I realized that I was an Egg, and I only got Laid Once, and that was by my Mother. Greeks are Smart they stay with the same Woman all their Lives. Unfortunately that Woman is their Mother; and if by chance the Greek Guy does Marry another Family member, he's usually quiet Wealthy. lol.. ...0113/2016
2017-01-13 02:46:31 UTC
Some countries in Balkan that have low Rom population and high Osmailis population, or watever they are called



Most of sub Sahara African countries

and the few non socialist Arab countries
2017-01-13 01:10:12 UTC
What is wrong with you? I am sorry for whatever situations you are going through. The ones with women as well. But how can you know? Maybe you have issues or problems, your identification of them, & pursuits in fixing them isn't there. Like my friends.
2017-01-12 16:03:20 UTC
You would want an equally strong woman not some servile little nothing. So I don't buy your premise that you are an alpha male. Which might work in lower forms of animal life, but not with humans.
Art M
2017-01-13 23:56:07 UTC
Yes, almost every country in the world except the US and Canada.

Yet, you will find that if you marry a non-american woman that they have ALL found ways to gain power within a relationship and a household, though not all in the same way.
2017-01-14 01:18:04 UTC
You need to either move to Saudi Arabia or time travel to the 1600's. You're a misogynistic bastard. Don't you've have a mother?
2017-01-13 22:41:12 UTC
Don't go think you can go to clubs and bars and pick up a wife-your looking in the wrong places. Women of good character don't hit the bars and clubs.
2017-01-14 09:09:48 UTC
You seriously sound like you need therapy! 'Alpha male,' I can't believe I am even reading this and people are taking you seriously. I am not even a feminist but I find you totally repulsive!
2017-01-13 06:47:21 UTC
It does appear that their morals and priorities seem really conflating. And their reasoning is drowned in excuses. It seems unfair that some woman have to cover their faces and bodies and cant speak unless theyre spoken to, and other woman use this as an excuse to gain their means without actually doing anything about it. Wheres the balance?
2017-01-14 16:19:17 UTC
first, "alpha male" isn't a accepted term used to describe human males... don't believe me, look it up... humans are far more cognitive than canines and therefore you're not top dog by having sugar with a bunch of whores... also, if you've been with "numerous women" why do you think you are deserving of a woman better than yourself? if you act like a man *****, what quality woman would really want you? that's a huge red flag to females... if you want a traditional female you should be more respectful and less aggressive... referring back to your use of "alpha male", aggressive doesn't equal alpha male in the canine world... in fact, aggressive in the canine world equals beta male... alphas are far more self-controlled and empathetic to the feelings and needs of their pack...
2017-01-12 21:35:30 UTC
2017-01-13 04:48:13 UTC
Yes--so many countries including Saudi Arabia.
2017-01-19 10:01:39 UTC
Japan and italy is where its at. Too many wannabe annie oakley's here in the states trying to be little ms. Tuffass

With the whole "dont need no man" horse shyat.
Uchihas forever
2017-01-22 18:24:22 UTC
Never trust women... AWALT!!! All women are like that; by that I mean resource parasites. It's no surprise MGTOW is getting popular as years go by.
2017-01-13 12:11:17 UTC
I don't hate women but to be honest I've only been treated poorly by them.
2017-01-12 16:11:24 UTC
My guess is if you found a country that where women lie down for you as total and complete doormats for you to grind your women-hating heels into, that you would spoil that country by YOUR toxic women-demeaning presence.
2017-01-14 07:04:02 UTC
Is there any countries where men arent sexist and living in the past's ways?
Polar Bear
2017-01-16 05:48:25 UTC
Go to Antarctica, there aren't many women there, I suggest to go without a jacket for better luck because you are so manly ;)
2017-01-15 18:28:35 UTC
Obviously some do not like women being treated as equal. This is 2017, not 1920.
2017-01-14 23:39:26 UTC the many countries where women don't even have rights yet and are beaten and raped daily count?
2017-01-13 08:15:26 UTC
Maybe if you change yourself first, you'll see that your attitude and narrow minded viewpoint is the reason you think this way and women aren't truly the problem.
2017-01-12 17:04:23 UTC
In Egypt but before my generation ,now women here are the same shiit like western girls.

If you want good girls I think asian women WHO did not move to western countries can be good wives.


Yea I dated couple of russian girls, they were great and can be good wives.BUT you must have a dollar.

If your dollar flies she will fly with it.
2017-01-12 16:06:04 UTC
Yes Pakistan.
2017-01-13 05:09:46 UTC
Perhaps when some men start respecting women as well then we can all live well together. Your words seem to reflect the very things you want women to be. How about it starts with you!
2017-01-13 15:17:04 UTC
Women are not less than men. Go date men instead if you hate us so much. I would rather be a lesbian than date such an "alpha" male. In fact I do boxing 🥊 and have beaten a lot of men like you.
2017-01-15 16:19:05 UTC
I would say there are many women like what your asking in America but what age group. See the younger the person the more into material things and themselves and there looks there going to be. Most everyone grows out of that me me me give me give me give me how do i look am i pretty how do i rate regarding my looks my body. Good Luck in your search but the younger the person is the harder its going to be to find.
2017-01-12 20:53:58 UTC
"obedient" sheesh, get off your butt and do it yourself, if you are an "alpha male" then presumably you are not weak or helpless? right?

I treat men AND women with respect if they show it to me, that's what decent people do. |

I cook for myself because it is a useful skill and I enjoy it, just because you have a penis doesn't mean you can't learn!
2017-01-13 20:06:19 UTC
There a perfect example where I see a old movie call women warrior . Women fighting over capture men. I believe it can be true ? lol
2017-01-13 15:35:10 UTC
You mean a country where most women aren't bisexual
2017-01-16 01:31:41 UTC
2017-01-18 09:09:35 UTC
DIE IN A ******* HOLE YOU ******* FAT SICK VIRGIN PIECE OF PURE ****! You seem like a horrible man. I'm glad you don't like women because you don't deserve them. And that alpha **** is so stupid. I would rather sleep with literally anybody else than you because you don't even respect yourself
2017-01-13 18:21:53 UTC
To start with

"I'm alpha male".

Alpha men do not hide behind blue anonymous face!
2017-01-15 05:39:14 UTC
I cook, clean, have good manners and im respectful as well as loyal. These are the exact reasons why my current bf wants to marry me now. Maybe your standards are too high. In fact you sound very demanding. Which i cant imagine it sits well with too many people.
Wizard Fro profile is open
2017-01-12 16:03:34 UTC
You seem to have all your **** together. I mean you're so alpha and all. Why don't you know the answer to your question already?
2017-01-14 05:19:29 UTC
2017-01-20 02:37:10 UTC
-- nice women with good manners, respect men, obedient, loyal, good cooks, good housewife sort of material. --

yes, islam boasts such women w of course, is false. I suggest you find an islamic woman.

sounds like your mind is buried in a bygone era ...

how many women have YOU had sex w ?

i have no doubt you are as much a ***** as the common woman these days.

how does a male ***** seek to find a respectable woman who is the opposite of what he is.

it makes no sense to me ... hehe

it also shows where your IQ is on the scale ... hehe

you will most likely find another female ***** to match you.
2017-01-13 02:47:49 UTC
There are several countries that women haven't spoiled. In fact, this would be most, if not all, countries in the world. Unfortunately, men beat them to it with their sexist attitudes and abusive instincts. However, I can give you some pointers for your own country. First, don't treat women like objects that must bow down to you. Second, pull your head out of you *** and realise that we are not living in the 1800s. Women can be doctors and lawyers; they aren't here to take care of children and make you dinner. Another pointer would be to learn how to cook because you won't be talking to a women anytime soon; I wouldn't want to see you starve! Fourth, if you're trying to get a girlfriend, try not to point out how selfish and "overly confident" women are. She'll drop your *** so fast. Last, try to think of this from a woman's point of view. You clearly don't respect women, so women aren't going to respect you. This is probably why you never get a call for a second date! Hope this helped!
Viola Ted
2017-01-13 22:54:06 UTC
No. There's no hope for you. Might as well get a penectomy and become a hermit.
2017-01-13 21:24:48 UTC
Most countries in the world still have a large remainder of traditional gender roles. They are most prevalent in Asia and Africa.
2017-01-12 20:53:04 UTC
Eastern Europe of course!
2017-02-16 04:42:38 UTC
When you are with her give her your full attention. Put your phone on mute or do not disturb; don’t talk to others more than her and don’t leave her alone when you’re on a date. Read here

Of course there are other people in the room but you don’t want their attention, you want hers. If you have an attractive waitress, only look her way briefly when giving your order. You don’t want to be rude to whoever is serving your food, but don’t engage her or acknowledge her beyond what’s necessary. Women pay attention to these things and will appreciate that you don’t have a wandering eye. If you must leave your date’s side for a moment, give her a peck on the cheek before you leave.
2017-01-23 16:21:23 UTC
You must live a cushioned life do you not watch the news or is it too much for you're closed little world
2017-01-14 10:08:38 UTC
You just generalised women. Its not a matter of what country they are from because there are good and bad everywhere.
2017-01-14 05:14:15 UTC
No, women have destroyed every country. I would recommend suicide but there seems to be no way out of this one.
Big Lance!
2017-01-14 06:01:35 UTC
Women and their evil undercover nature can bring down men cartels governments u name it... And they'll continue too... Snakes..
2017-01-16 10:13:03 UTC
Yes, probably in those very cold states where the temperature is so cold that food and women or men stay well preserved/unspoiled.
2017-01-12 21:35:11 UTC
Definitely not my mom or her friends, they're so mean to everyone
2017-01-13 08:40:58 UTC
You are a theta male. Look for women in Rep. of Moldova.
2017-01-13 14:08:48 UTC
Women are rodents. They only think about themselves and pretend that you are the one thinking about yourself. They are worthless trash whose only purpose is to give us baby boys. After they reproduce they can be thrown off a cliff.
Unable to see this user
2017-01-13 07:49:45 UTC
Yes, all Islamic countries.
2017-01-13 13:46:13 UTC
If the Muslims take over I think they won't be anymore.
2017-01-13 05:28:59 UTC
You cant seriously be this arrogant and ignorant right? If you are i suggest you take a short trip down a high cliff
2017-01-19 14:17:05 UTC
Yes, but Moslem's have instead ruined it :)
2017-01-13 04:47:40 UTC
Do you mean spoiled as in milk has spoiled
2017-01-18 05:36:25 UTC
I suggest you go to Uranus; there are plenty of preserved women up on Uranus.
2017-01-12 16:52:05 UTC
You know the saying :)) (what men desire)

They must be

A lady in living room with a quick wit

A cook in the kitchen

A ***** in the bedroom
2017-01-16 23:58:54 UTC
Hmmmmmm. Is there a country where you will actually find MEN who are NOT PIGS? I wanna live there til I am OLD and GRAY!!!!!!
2017-01-15 21:34:22 UTC
1. Male

2. Female .

Male /Famale. it what makes the world around.

2017-01-12 20:47:03 UTC
Get a grip
Diana M
2017-01-13 21:07:00 UTC
3rd world countried
2017-01-13 06:24:55 UTC
Most countries in the world are corrupt, not doing well, and going downhill and guess who the leaders? men.
2017-01-14 01:10:38 UTC
Just go gay. You probably are so just admit it. It is obvious that women do not appeal to you. Hairy butt is more your thing.
2017-01-13 19:22:59 UTC
Someone from Saudi Arabia had to write that q. Damn.
2017-01-13 05:51:33 UTC
There are Filipinas who are absolutely err.... nearly perfect wives. Come and see the Philippines...
2017-01-13 12:38:42 UTC
My recommendation would have been Kazakhstan, but you are clearly not ready for a relationship.
2017-01-14 04:25:39 UTC
You are no different if ur using women for the sex case closed.
2017-01-14 03:05:14 UTC
damn the sexism here makes me wanna cry. "who wishes nothing more to be a small town housewife". buddy your priorities are a bit messed up
2017-01-12 18:40:00 UTC
Try Saudi Arabia my friend:)
2017-01-13 10:50:18 UTC
Go fight a man. If you want to bully , try it with someone your own size.
2017-01-13 10:59:39 UTC
Asia. Lol
2017-01-17 05:12:01 UTC
Your mom spoiled idiot
2017-01-13 08:34:58 UTC
Japan maybe
2017-01-13 15:28:34 UTC

-"I am an alpha male"

-"I am not one of those coward mgtow trolls"

-"I have been with many women and had dates a lot"
2017-01-13 15:50:21 UTC
go to a church there a Good women there.
2017-01-12 19:03:13 UTC
I think Germany?
2017-01-15 18:54:56 UTC
2017-01-14 06:51:16 UTC
i don't think so
2017-01-14 05:05:40 UTC
2017-01-18 05:38:21 UTC
Do you happen to wear a fedora?
2017-01-15 20:34:18 UTC
All of Africa and most of Asia.
2017-01-13 09:59:13 UTC
Says the cowardly anonymous hypocrite? LOL @ you.
2017-01-13 18:05:37 UTC
Go to the ******* middle east then and join ISIS you crazy ****.
2017-01-13 04:46:45 UTC
I am not able to know what you are asking. Please do your own studies well. (homework).

Here studies is only given highest predominance.
2017-01-14 01:14:23 UTC
us men conquerd the world.! we are the reason that the human population is still establishing.!
2017-01-12 16:02:54 UTC
2017-01-16 02:57:28 UTC
thig dont caare
2017-01-14 07:31:00 UTC
the way someone treats you has nothing to do with their gender.
2017-01-13 20:43:16 UTC
You sir, are a whiny b itch
2017-01-19 05:38:29 UTC
2017-01-13 13:45:07 UTC
tf lol
Madame Candid
2017-01-22 08:47:31 UTC
I would say that most persons in the western world are spoiled regardless of sex. They expect to be handed a golden spoon with filet mignon and baby asparagus precut into bite-sized portions on it with 5 other offers from other persons holding golden spoons with the same content. There's also a rampant psychological cycle that has become the social norm- men become assholes because women abuse them and women become bitches because men abuse them. This has formed from lack of forgiveness, lack of self-introspection, lack of desire and ability to observe and accept where another is on their personal journey or life path, lack of change and growth and all boils down to the belief that one is perfect just they way they are.

Everyone has room for personal growth and the assumption that one has nothing to address within themselves shows where an individual is on their life path and those individuals are usually- stuck, stupid, selfish, greedy, needy, wasteful, self-centered, undereducated, lacking sympathy/empathy, narrow-minded, mind game playing whether conscious or semi-unconsciously, lack communication skills, angry, hateful, vengeful, unapologetic, point fingers, blame others, lack self-conviction, have high levels of changeless guilt, are 'rarely or never' wrong, play the victim role, cocky and arrogant. These traits produce your undesired physical attributes: fat, pimple ridden, wrinkles, premature ageing, mangled posture, impaired vision, sweaty or cold to the touch in areas you never thought could be and stay cold, generally odorous in a foul sense, ill-manicured, staunch breath, rats nest hair, feet that could belong to a deceased person of at least 5 years, grimy teeth, sexually transmitted diseases like herpes presenting on the face and other areas and so on. Psychological disorders are present at many stages of awareness and in high & low caliber persons and cannot always be used as a tool to properly determine an individuals caliber and are purposefully omitted as I am not a specialized professional who could provide a clear and correct interpretation of disorders if listed. I can say that if psychological disorders are observed and one is not addressing the issues that arise from those disorders, then they too will most likely fall under the category of undesirables.

If one desires another who is of high value then one must be of the same or higher caliber to not only attract but to see or recognize those combined traits which make another a high-value partner. I'm not accusing you or anyone else who has responded being one way or another, but I am saying that statistically the majority of the persons, male and female, contained on this thread alone will fall under the category of normal or below average caliber. So how does one go about identifying, finding or attracting a high-value person?- is most likely a question that will result in a more fruitful answer, or maybe not depending on the specific results you are trying to obtain. I'd suggest beginning with the following observation when one comes across a potential mate: are they actively seeking change and are they living it? If not, then chances are they are not of high caliber and one can rule those perspectives out entirely. Unfortunately, once this has been executed the number of available prospectives will be quite scant making the remaining process harder and easier at the same time. Harder because one will be faced with finding those few worth one's time and efforts. Easier simply because there will be so few to choose from that the persons who are right or wrong for you will be much more obvious and filtering through them should be a relatively fast process. Change and forgiveness are two of the three best indicators of high-value persons. Love, and understanding it at it's deepest core meaning, with the acknowledgment that each year one lives, a new understanding and appreciation of it is revealed, is the best indicator of any high caliber person one may come across in their short-lived existence here on Earth.

Staying consistent with the above mentioned, I would also suggest delving inward to take an inventory of sorts of yourself and ask: Am I living in a manner that is in line with the type of person I seek and deserve? Chances are, one will find at minimum one or two things to work or focus on enhancing. Perhaps it's that one thing that needs some tending that will ultimately lead you to your dream girl. Perhaps she's working on the same thing within herself and it will lead her to you. Either way, it's obvious you have put it out there that you desire a mate, and there are most certainly women out there more than suitable for you. So, I will leave you with this to mull over- quite often we humans ask for things and claim that we don't get them. I find this extraordinarily amusing because it's not that we don't get what we want, it's that we don't get it in the way we wanted, or within the timeframe we demanded. Good things are worth waiting for, most logical persons will agree with this statement. Put that concept into other words: would you rather rush something that is wrong, or ride the wave until you find something right? Have you already been presented with a potential mate but ignored her because she wasn't presented to you in the way in which you expected or had envisioned in your mind's eye? Or has someone come across your path but you didn't pursue her because you felt the timing wasn't right or off but deep down you had a feeling that woman may have the qualities you need and want? Are you staying vigilant and focused? How important is finding your mate to you? If you consolidate all your desires and life goals and condense them down to a short few is finding a mate one of those few life goals left after consolidating? If not, a friend with priveledges is an awesome alternative and it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to find and deal with than a marriage or long term relationship. If finding a high-value life mate is on that short list, then you will find a way to find the right woman for you and you will not stop until you find her and I guarantee that she will be of a similar mindset. High-value persons see the value in being vigilant, they may slow down at times, but they do not give up- they get creative. They ride the wave, learning and growing along the way, becoming the best person they can be for the persons they choose to keep in their lives and for themselves.

The joy and frustration with finding the things we seek is that many times they do not come as requested, when requested. When the right thing finally does surface, because we have had to filter through so many wrong ones to get to it or because we are so in tune with ourselves and our surrounds, we intrinsically know and can without a doubt identify that it is right for us. What will it take for you to have a deep knowing that someone is right for you? Once that's mastered, what are you willing to do, and how far are you willing to go to find the one best suited for you if you truly believe finding her is worth it? I don't need to know, the answer is for you and will only fully make sense to you alone. Happy hunting...
2017-01-13 20:12:00 UTC
no because the need to breed is over...
2017-01-14 17:57:17 UTC
2017-01-14 04:09:17 UTC
2017-01-13 00:23:04 UTC
don't know !!!
2017-01-13 04:14:15 UTC
2017-01-14 17:03:31 UTC
2017-01-14 22:10:05 UTC
This thread is a fricken horror show.

I beg of you all, please, please, do not breed. Or vote.
2017-01-13 13:55:51 UTC
2017-01-15 00:07:13 UTC
2017-01-13 11:52:42 UTC
2017-01-14 11:13:12 UTC
2017-01-13 23:16:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.