I would say that most persons in the western world are spoiled regardless of sex. They expect to be handed a golden spoon with filet mignon and baby asparagus precut into bite-sized portions on it with 5 other offers from other persons holding golden spoons with the same content. There's also a rampant psychological cycle that has become the social norm- men become assholes because women abuse them and women become bitches because men abuse them. This has formed from lack of forgiveness, lack of self-introspection, lack of desire and ability to observe and accept where another is on their personal journey or life path, lack of change and growth and all boils down to the belief that one is perfect just they way they are.
Everyone has room for personal growth and the assumption that one has nothing to address within themselves shows where an individual is on their life path and those individuals are usually- stuck, stupid, selfish, greedy, needy, wasteful, self-centered, undereducated, lacking sympathy/empathy, narrow-minded, mind game playing whether conscious or semi-unconsciously, lack communication skills, angry, hateful, vengeful, unapologetic, point fingers, blame others, lack self-conviction, have high levels of changeless guilt, are 'rarely or never' wrong, play the victim role, cocky and arrogant. These traits produce your undesired physical attributes: fat, pimple ridden, wrinkles, premature ageing, mangled posture, impaired vision, sweaty or cold to the touch in areas you never thought could be and stay cold, generally odorous in a foul sense, ill-manicured, staunch breath, rats nest hair, feet that could belong to a deceased person of at least 5 years, grimy teeth, sexually transmitted diseases like herpes presenting on the face and other areas and so on. Psychological disorders are present at many stages of awareness and in high & low caliber persons and cannot always be used as a tool to properly determine an individuals caliber and are purposefully omitted as I am not a specialized professional who could provide a clear and correct interpretation of disorders if listed. I can say that if psychological disorders are observed and one is not addressing the issues that arise from those disorders, then they too will most likely fall under the category of undesirables.
If one desires another who is of high value then one must be of the same or higher caliber to not only attract but to see or recognize those combined traits which make another a high-value partner. I'm not accusing you or anyone else who has responded being one way or another, but I am saying that statistically the majority of the persons, male and female, contained on this thread alone will fall under the category of normal or below average caliber. So how does one go about identifying, finding or attracting a high-value person?- is most likely a question that will result in a more fruitful answer, or maybe not depending on the specific results you are trying to obtain. I'd suggest beginning with the following observation when one comes across a potential mate: are they actively seeking change and are they living it? If not, then chances are they are not of high caliber and one can rule those perspectives out entirely. Unfortunately, once this has been executed the number of available prospectives will be quite scant making the remaining process harder and easier at the same time. Harder because one will be faced with finding those few worth one's time and efforts. Easier simply because there will be so few to choose from that the persons who are right or wrong for you will be much more obvious and filtering through them should be a relatively fast process. Change and forgiveness are two of the three best indicators of high-value persons. Love, and understanding it at it's deepest core meaning, with the acknowledgment that each year one lives, a new understanding and appreciation of it is revealed, is the best indicator of any high caliber person one may come across in their short-lived existence here on Earth.
Staying consistent with the above mentioned, I would also suggest delving inward to take an inventory of sorts of yourself and ask: Am I living in a manner that is in line with the type of person I seek and deserve? Chances are, one will find at minimum one or two things to work or focus on enhancing. Perhaps it's that one thing that needs some tending that will ultimately lead you to your dream girl. Perhaps she's working on the same thing within herself and it will lead her to you. Either way, it's obvious you have put it out there that you desire a mate, and there are most certainly women out there more than suitable for you. So, I will leave you with this to mull over- quite often we humans ask for things and claim that we don't get them. I find this extraordinarily amusing because it's not that we don't get what we want, it's that we don't get it in the way we wanted, or within the timeframe we demanded. Good things are worth waiting for, most logical persons will agree with this statement. Put that concept into other words: would you rather rush something that is wrong, or ride the wave until you find something right? Have you already been presented with a potential mate but ignored her because she wasn't presented to you in the way in which you expected or had envisioned in your mind's eye? Or has someone come across your path but you didn't pursue her because you felt the timing wasn't right or off but deep down you had a feeling that woman may have the qualities you need and want? Are you staying vigilant and focused? How important is finding your mate to you? If you consolidate all your desires and life goals and condense them down to a short few is finding a mate one of those few life goals left after consolidating? If not, a friend with priveledges is an awesome alternative and it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to find and deal with than a marriage or long term relationship. If finding a high-value life mate is on that short list, then you will find a way to find the right woman for you and you will not stop until you find her and I guarantee that she will be of a similar mindset. High-value persons see the value in being vigilant, they may slow down at times, but they do not give up- they get creative. They ride the wave, learning and growing along the way, becoming the best person they can be for the persons they choose to keep in their lives and for themselves.
The joy and frustration with finding the things we seek is that many times they do not come as requested, when requested. When the right thing finally does surface, because we have had to filter through so many wrong ones to get to it or because we are so in tune with ourselves and our surrounds, we intrinsically know and can without a doubt identify that it is right for us. What will it take for you to have a deep knowing that someone is right for you? Once that's mastered, what are you willing to do, and how far are you willing to go to find the one best suited for you if you truly believe finding her is worth it? I don't need to know, the answer is for you and will only fully make sense to you alone. Happy hunting...