2011-11-28 12:49:57 UTC
I've always been the ugly girl. I've always been overlooked. People have ignored me cause I'm bad looking. And I want to change that. I believe even the ugliest people can be beautiful if they worked at it.... haha. And I want to fix it. I want to become not just like pretty but like... head turning. If that's possible. And even here, people are way too nice. Like, I don't want you to be mean. I can't handle it if I'm called ugly. I know I am, but if I hear it, it'll kill me. I just need you to be honest.
If you can send me links to make up styles that I could pull off, that would be great. Links are preferred, haha. Because people normally tell me "Ooh, add eyeliner and mascara!" But like... what style. How should I do it. You know? Or if you don't wanna look for a picture, you can tell me the name of a celebrity I should use as an icon or whatever. Or... whatver. Just yeah, haha.
I'm just desperate. I want to be beautiful. And PLEASE don't tell me I'm pretty the way I am and there's no need to cover my face in make up. I hear it enough. But I just want to enhance whatever it is I have.
I'll put the link in the additional details. Cause I hear that works, haha.
And I know I already posted this. This is my last attempt. I just really want some help.